Workshop with technical visits for gold mining companies – Helsinki-Tampere, May 13-17, 2019

“Exemplary, highly productive, environmentally friendly mine”, – so the delegation of leading Russian and Azerbaijani gold companies described the Jokosivu mine of the Australian company Dragon Mining in Finland. The director of the combined mine, Timo Ridaskoski, shared his experience in organizing work and operating safety, showed a rescue chamber with an air supply for 8 hours (in case of an accident), delegates visited the working horizon, where production is under way, and inspected water treatment facilities. He drew attention to a uniquely low rate of injury: over the past 6 years the company has had one minor injury.
The participants in the Industrial Geology section also visited the core storage facility of the National Geological Administration of Finland in Loppi, where more than 3,000 km of core samples of various rocks from all known deposits and mining ore bodies of Finland are stored.
Representatives of Outotec, Weir Minerals, Epiroc, Mineral Exploration Network, Mine On-Line Service, IMA Engineering Ltd, Dr Yulia Cherepanova, Finnish Association for the Sustainable Development of the Mining Industry, etc. spoke to the participants of the seminar.

Photo 1 – Delegation at Jokisivu Mine

Photo 2 – Mining Stope at Jokisivu Mine

Photo 3 – Delegation is Looking at Core Archived at Loppi Facility

Photo 4 – Russian and Azeri Geologists at Core Storage in Loppi