November 20 – 24, 2017 a seminar on the topic “Corporate social responsibility as an element of a long-term sustainable development strategy” was held in London. Heads of companies such as “Severstal”, “Metallinvest”, “Norilsk Nickel”, “Sibur” participated in discussions with Instinctif, Flag Communications, PwC, Kreab, and others on how the activities on sustainable development, social responsibility, support of the local population and ecology are reflected in the reports of such companies as Polymetal, Polyus, SUEK. At the meeting of the International Council on Mining and Metals (International Council on Mining and Metals), the industry’s tasks in the field of sustainable development and social sphere were considered.
On the pictures: Participants visiting Instinctif and discussing annual reports on Corporate social responsibility.
Photo: Participants visiting Instinctif and discussing annual reports on Corporate social responsibility.